Simulated Online Pharmaceutical Image Editor (SOPHIE)

Use Simulated Online Pharmaceutical Image Editor


For UCLA Health or DGSOM students or employees, login using your Mednet credentials. For those outside the UCLA system, choose "Sign Up" and enter your information to set up an account.

IMSH 2016 SOPHIE Presentation Materials

Please email us at if you would like PDF documents with information presented during our workshop Creating a Simulated Pharmacy at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2016.



With SOPHIE, you can produce professional simulated drug labels for your medical scenarios. Just click to change text size or background colors and more. Once you've saved your design, it's in your Collection for you to come back and use whenever you want.


Producing labels for your drugs is easy. Once you've designed your label, SOPHIE can export an entire sheet filled your labels as a PDF. Now all you have to do is cut them out and stick them on your drugs.


SOPHIE has a community so you can share the drug labels you've designed with your colleagues. Bookmark someone else's design and save it to your Collection or make your own edits. It couldn't be easier.

Designing Simulated Drug Labels with SOPHIE

No Photoshop Skills Required

With SOPHIE, designing drug labels for your simulated pharmacy is easy. Once you input your customizable dimensions, all you have to do is click an area to edit. Yep, font sizes, colors, background colors, alignment; it's all there.

Save Time & Money

When you're ready to print, SOPHIE will export an entire sheet filled with labels as a PDF. If you print on a sticky-back paper, all you have to do is cut them out and stick them on your drugs. Phew! That was easy.

Printable Simulated Drug Labels using SOPHIE
Share Labels Created with SOPHIE with Community

Don't Reinvent, Reuse

SOPHIE has a whole community that allows you to share and use simulated drug labels with other simulation centers. Collaborate with your colleagues, and save time and money.

Get In Touch With Us

We're always looking for ways to improve SOPHIE. If you would like to report a bug or if you have a feature request, visit Contact Us for ways to get in touch with us.